Pastoral Collaboratives
Pastor Collaboratives unites Pastors in a particular Geographical Area to
encourage each other and love their neighborhood together in a way no church
can do alone.
Please find below a list of active and starting collaboratives:
The North County Pastors’ Group was started by B.K. Eason in response to the fatal shooting ofMichael Brown in Ferguson in 2014. Instead of waiting for the next bad thing to happen, localpastors decided to gather once a month to pray and encourage each other. As relationshipsbetween these pastors deepened, the Spirit of unity spread among their churches. People fromvarious congregations now come together at the annual Unity Sunday lunch and worshipservice, as well as organize and attend different conferences. As new pastors join the group and new opportunities present themselves, we remain open to new ideas in accordance with our purpose statement below.
Our Mission Statement:
We are an intentionally Christ-centered, purposefully diverse group of pastors from North St.Louis County seeking to build relationships and form partnerships to bring God’s peace to ourcommunity.
When we meet: Thursday’s at 7:30 am at rotating churches.
Get involved: Email: Sergei Marcheno -

North County Pastors

The Pastoral Fellowship is a fellowship of pastors and leaders of diverse denominations, cultures, economic backgrounds, and races, who love and serve Jesus by working together to bring change, racial reconciliation, and advancement to the city of St. Louis and its surrounding area. It was founded by Bishop Phil Brownlee and Dr. Mike Higgins.
Our Mission Statement:
To encourage, support, uplift, assist, advise, connect, counsel, sponsor, and
intercede for Christian Leaders. We do this through partnership, fellowship, friendship, leadership, stewardship and relationship.
When we meet: 2nd Saturday of each month either by zoom or in person at 3514 Oregon, St. Louis, MO 63118
Get Involved: Email:
The Gospel Coalition (TGC STL), a local chapter of the National Gospel Coalition, is a grassroots gathering of like-minded leaders advancing gospel-centered ministry. The goal is to develop gospel-centered friendships with others. This helps us pray for each other and strategize how we can best reach this area with the gospel.
When we meet: 3x in the Fall, 3x in the Spring at rotating churches
Get involved: E-mail -
The Gospel
Coalition St. Louis

Jefferson County
Christians United
Jefferson County Christians United gives pastors and leaders of Christian churches across Jefferson County this challenge: What if we came together to pray with each other? What if we saw each other as brothers and sisters in Christ – part of the same Body – rather than competition? What if our congregations worked together, to extend the Kingdom of God and make Jefferson County a better place to live? Our society is broken and fractured. What if the Church of Jesus Christ demonstrated something very different?
To join us go to our website:
Don’t see you neighborhood represented here? Are you interested in starting a pastor collaborative in your neighborhood? Help us reach the goal of seeing a pastor collaborative in every neighborhood in St. Louis. Please sign up here
Please contact us here!